- Till 6000 m3/h of natural gas with a relation of 16 mg/m3 of odorant.
- Metering pumps under API Standards.
- Exclusive function of time mode, when is not available flow metering system.
- Proportional to the flow rate (when the metering of this is available).
- Proportional to the time (in case of not counting with a flow metering system).
- It Includes odorant reservoir suitable for transfer, with level indicator.
- With calibration pot for the pumps.
- Equipped with auxiliary command for power outage.
- Injection nozzle designed for low pulse frequency
- Applicable to odorize pipelines with low flow rate or odorization backing.
In systems which are proportional to the time, the principal control is the MK II; this controls the metering pump pulsation regime, thereby regulating the injection flow rate.
SEE DIAGRAMIn systems which are proportional to the flow rate, the principal control is the FL 50, can receive a flow signal (Ex. 4-20mA from the metering system) and control the metering pump in proportional way. Thanks to the controller advantages, these equipments can be used though is not available the flow rate metering.
SEE DIAGRAMThe automatic systems have a solenoid valve installed in the gas supply; by this way when the solenoid valve turns on, the equipment starts functioning.
SEE DIAGRAMLU-M metering pump, diver stroke type: Was developed in base of the Pumps of the LU Series, with a micrometer adjust of the stroke displacement to achieve microflows. It design is based in the API standards, which fits to the denominated pumps of process which ensure it continuous functioning 24 hours.
The packing system of the diver piston is constructed with a material which combines the lubrication of the PTFE and the tenacity of the Kevlar. The valve seats are made of PTFE, with spheres which achieve a very effective closing for microflows.
Características Técnicas:
- Caudal de Odorante máximo: 100 cc / hs.
- Presión de operación Máxima: 60 Bar
- Frecuencia máxima: 45 Pulsos por minuto.
- Material del cuerpo Ac. Inoxidable AISI 316
- Material del Pack de sellos: PTFE – Kevlar
- Material del pistón: SAF 2205.
- Regulación de carrera: Micrométrica
- Válvulas de Succión/Descarga: Doble Esfera (mayor seguridad).
MMX219 metering pump, hydraulic diaphragm type: The MMX series it used when the user wishes a system totally watertight, or when the operating pressures exceed the design pressure of the LU-M series. By the design presents 2 diaphragms which ensure it is sealing in case of rupture of one of them, at the same time allows a regulation of the stroke volume which can be done with the pump in functioning.
It design is based in the API standards, which fits to the denominated pumps of process which ensure it continuous functioning 24 hours. The valve seats are made of PTFE, with spheres which achieve a very effective closing for microflows.
Características Técnicas:
- Caudal de Odorante máximo: 100 cc./hs.
- Presión de operación Máxima: 100 Bar
- Frecuencia máxima: 45 Pulsos por minuto.
- Material del cuerpo Ac. Inoxidable AISI 316
- Material de los diafragmas: PTFE
- Material del Pack de sellos: PTFE – Kevlar
- Regulación de carrera: Mediante tornillo, lectura mediante bureta
- Válvulas de Succión / Descarga: Doble Esfera (mayor seguridad)
- Material de Válvulas: AISI 316
- Sello de Válvulas: Vitón.
- Asiento de Válvulas: AISI 316
- Buretas de calibración para las bombas.
- Controlador MKII.
En esta caso la inyeccion de odorante se realiza en un punto lejano al gas circulante de la cañeria. Por consiguiente, la difusion de odorante no es la adecuada. No posee valvula de retencion en el punto de inyeccion lo cual puede provocar un retroceso de gas a la bomba.
En esta caso la inyección de odorante se realiza en el centro de la vena donde se genera mayor velocidad de flujo. Por consiguiente la difucion de odorante es óptima. La boquilla de inyeccion posee valvula de retencion lo cual impide un retroceso de gas a la bomba.